Compass’ Diabetes Foot Health Program
This is a comprehensive foot care program for individuals with diabetes. The program focuses on the prevention of diabetic foot complications such as diabetic foot ulcerations and lower limb amputations. The Diabetes Foot Health Program provides assessment, coaching, education and footcare for eligible individuals. All foot care is done by our team of chiropodists (registered foot specialists) and nurses with advanced foot care training. Funding for the program is provided by Ontario Health.
Who is eligible for the program?
- If you have been diagnosed with diabetes and are at risk of complications due to your condition
- You live in the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant regions.
- As a person with diabetes, if you are not able to manage your own foot care and you have barriers to accessing foot care (such as lack of insurance and difficulty paying for health care needs).
What is Chiropody?
What does the Program Offer You?
All clients referred to the Program will be screened to establish their risk for diabetes complications. There is no direct cost to you for the care you receive when you participate in the program.
- If you are able to perform your own foot care safely and have no diabetic foot complications, you will be referred to a self-care class and be provided follow-up assessments to monitor your foot health needs yearly.
- If you have moderate to severe risk factors for diabetic complications i.e. a loss of feeling in your lower limbs or feet, poor circulation in your feet, a history of diabetic ulceration and/or history of lower limb amputation, or end stage renal disease due to diabetes, you will be referred to receive routine visits and assessments with a chiropodist or foot care nurse regularly. Visit frequency is dependant on foot complications and risk categorization.
- If you develop or already have complications such as open wounds, an external referral for wound care may be necessary. You may continue to receive preventative care and support during the time you are receiving wound care by other clinics. We are able to refer for appropriate management.
- Clients who are registered with the program can participate in other diabetes and health-related services offered at the Health Centre where available.
- The program can also provide external referral for care of more complex diabetic conditions and recommended qualified external professionals for orthotics and other devices.
- Interpretation services are available on request.
Referrals can be sent in from your family doctor or you can self-refer. Please call 905-523-0090 or our toll-free number at 1-877-361-3338 to inquire about eligibility.
Click here for Compass Diabetes Foot Health Program Referral
Click here Updated Foot Care Site Location Listing
Click here for Compass Diabetes Awareness Month. Kindly click for the flyer.